Author Archives: Liam Pedley

Liam Pedley

Fake Blackmail Emails using Real Passwords
The Blog

Fake Blackmail Emails using Real Passwords

There is a new particularly sinister Fake Blackmail Email scam. These sextortion email scams are fooling recipients into paying criminals. The recipient is panicked into believing that their password has...

October 30, 2018
Do You Have A Handle On Your Business?
The Blog

Do You Have A Handle On Your Business?

Do you know how your business is performing? Do you have real time information on sales and key business performance indicators? Do you have a 360 degree view of you...

October 19, 2018
Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors

Mansys are delighted to announce that we have been engaged by Leeds based charity Behind Closed Doors. Behind Closed Doors works with people throughout the Leeds area whose lives have...

September 24, 2018
Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

We are excited to announce that Mansys have been engaged as an IT service provider by the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund based here in Leeds. Francis from CHSF wrote: “We...

September 14, 2018
Mansys Continues To Expand

Mansys Continues To Expand

We would like to welcome Chris, the latest addition to the Field Service Team. Chris has 10 years of experience working with in the IT Industry. He formally worked for...

September 03, 2018
What are the benefits of the cloud?
The Blog

What are the benefits of the cloud?

Businesses no longer want to be in an endless cycle of purchasing servers every 5 years or so. This business model has an impact on capital, causes disruption and locks...

August 17, 2018